ARTIST: Ayşe Küçük     CATEGORY: Solo Exhibition      WHEN: April 02,2009


Milk Gallery hosts Ayse Kucuk’s first solo exhibition. “This Is My Beautiful Dream… Kiss Me” will entertain the artlovers between April 2nd and April 26th. Since 2007, Ayse Kucuk has exhibited her work in Turkey, Romania, Italy and [the] United States. In 2008, her work “Basement of Wonderland” led to her nomination as “The Best New Creative Talent” by young artist supporter Noise in Britain. Most notably, she has worked with Yoko Ono in New York City on a collective project titled “Dreamy Techniques” and her works have received critiques in NY Arts Magazine as well. While this personal exhibition is taking place, Ayşe Küçük’s works will also be exhibited in NYCity APW Gallery.

Interpreting Ayse Kucuk’s works is challenging, but if we consider her interest in contemporary philosophy, we might notice several aspects related to diverse elements such as sexuality, politics, art and language. Ayse Kucuk’s art, with its emphasis on dispersion and its topography of scattered elements, urges us to think in a new fashion in which we focus not on the whole, but on the struggle between different aspects of her work, each of which merit our attention. In Ayse Kucuk’s works, it is possible to recognize non-geometric lines, lines that could have been hands, lines that could have been faces, lines that could have been animals. Dispersion is not the dispersion of separate entities; entities are never scattered but the object is scattered in and out of itself: When the object becomes its could have been, it loses its identity but keeps insinuating the object. Only then we can talk about dispersion properly.The abstract essence of the object forces the object to a rapid transformation. It places the object in a constant flow and creates unstable entities (that remind of other objects) which then give rise to other objects that alter, mutate, mutilate the objects that has given rise to them. Lines define what Foucault would call the “desacralization of space”. They always escape : They escape the painting as much as they escape my words. I could never speak about lines.


You may find the opportunity to see her first personal exhibition; welcoming “This is My Beautiful Dream… Kiss Me”; in which she criticised her works with a mocking attitude remarking “I never wanted to wake up but was never afraid of awakening, either”